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statistical statement中文是什么意思

用"statistical statement"造句"statistical statement"怎么读"statistical statement" in a sentence


  • 统计报表


  • Account is an integrated statistical statement of an economy s external transactions with the rest of the world
  • To prepare within fifteen days of the close of each year a financial and statistical statement which shall then be certified by at least two members of the supervisory committee in accordance with article ix section 50 and shall be posted in a prominent place in the office of the credit union for at least a month
    每年终结后十五天内编制该年度之财务报告书,并依照第九章第五十条( 3 )项规定呈交该报告书与监察委员会审核,审定后,将该报告书贴于本社办公地点内之当眼处,贴出一月后方可取下( f )
用"statistical statement"造句  
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